
The Artblog Reader Advisor

[This week on the Artblog Reader Advisor: Some problems can be resolved without a fight; Google gifts us “undo send” and a new medical tracker; and apparently pixel art is a thing. — the Artblog editors]

It Was Only a Matter of Time Until Google Developed a Health Tracker, via Mashable

LG Lowers Headquarters Height When Met Asks Nicely, via ArtNews. Wouldn’t it be nice if the Museo del Prado and the Museum of Royal Collections could get along half as well?

New Orleans artist Ashley Longshore. Image via Forbes.
New Orleans artist Ashley Longshore. Image via Forbes.

All Hail Our Google Overlords: Gmail Officially Adds “Undo Send,” via Gizmodo

New Orleans Artist Wants to Share the Riches (Or at Least the Know-How), via Forbes

Minecraft Fine Craft: Pixel Painting Wrecks World Record, via IGN

Gaming gloves. Image via TechCrunch.
Gaming gloves. Image via TechCrunch.

Put Down the Controller and Put on These Gaming Gloves, via TechCrunch

Tech + Rebellion + Women’s Rights = Abortion Pill-Dropping Drone, via Yahoo Tech

Think Abstract Art Is Inaccessible? Try These Rock-Face Paintings on For Size, via The Guardian
