
Jodi Throckmorton on Ghosts, Cassils, and Curating Contemporary at PAFA

Roberta talks with PAFA Curator of Contemporary Art and learns about plans for future exhibits and events that showcase performance in the Academy. - Artblog Editor

Before arriving at PAFA, Jodi Throckmorton was Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at Wichita State University. Prior to that, she lived in the new media mecca of Silicon Valley, where she was Associate Curator at the San Jose Museum of Art for eight years. Now at PAFA, Throckmorton is bringing her considerable energy and wide-ranging interest in contemporary art to integrating edgy contemporary art with PAFA’s traditional strong suits of figuration and realism. In this 34-minute interview, the curator talks about acquiring contemporary art for PAFA and about bringing in the gender-nonconforming artist, Cassils, for a live performance (tickets are $15/free for PAFA members) on Dec. 2. Get tickets today for the performance–register here.

PAFA Curator of Contemporary Art, Jodi Throckmorton, before our interview at TGMR radio, Galleries at Moore
PAFA Curator of Contemporary Art, Jodi Throckmorton, before our interview at TGMR radio, Galleries at Moore

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore radio project. Listen to the interview with Jodi Throckmorton at the TGMR site here.
