
Apiary Magazine, a beautiful publication alive with Philadelphia voices and art

In this podcast interview, Matt Kalasky talks with Amanda Buck and Alexa Smith, two of the editors of Apiary Magazine, a beautiful Philadelphia literary publication in print and online, started in 2009 and publishing a wide variety of community voices, in a variety of genres including poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Apiary also includes visual art.

(l-r) George Bryant, Amy Saul-Zerby, Alexa Smith, and Amanda Buck-Celeiro.
(l-r) George Bryant, Amy Saul-Zerby, Alexa Smith, and Amanda Buck-Celeiro.

Apiary Magazine is a Philadelphia literary magazine written, as it says on its website, by humans. One of our favorite items on their website is right at the top, “Read a Poem Now,” which clicks over to, at this writing, a single poem, “S/O To Ja Rule” by Shy Watson. The urgency behind the “Now” of the “Read a Poem Now” prompt has us thrilled with the thought of people, like us, who need poems now. Issue 8 of Apiary, the most recent, includes some great art in addition to poetry, a Q+A with Yolanda Wisher, Philadelphia Poet Laureate.

Some Men by Dogon Krigga (from APIARY 8)
Some Men by Dogon Krigga (from APIARY 8).

In this podcast, the two editors explain the focus of their magazine and, about 17 minute in, Fiction editor Amanda Buck reads two short pieces of hers followed by Managing Editor Alexa Smith, who reads two of her poems. The podcast is 27 minutes long and was recorded in May, 2017.

By the way, Apiary Project Director, Steve Burns, told us that APIARY 9 is set to release at the end of October, 2017.  Watch for it.  And submissions are still open until July 1, so submit your works.  The theme is Sanctuary. Here’s where to submit.

Sidewalk Watchers by Miriam Singer (Artist for the upcoming APIARY 9).
Sidewalk Watchers by Miriam Singer (Artist for the upcoming APIARY 9).

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore radio project. You can also listen to the interview with Alexa Smith and Amanda Buck at the TGMR site.
