
Tomorrow, Noon, join Artblog’s Facebook Live with your questions on the Art Writing Contest!

Do you have questions about the art writing contest? With the deadline fast approaching (Oct. 31, Midnight), we'd like to answer those questions. Join Imani Roach tomorrow as she fields your queries and gives you answers! Noon, Friday, Oct. 26, 2018. We love to talk. Come talk with us!

Art Writing Challenge Panelists.
From left to right: Matt Kalasky (moderator), Alexandra Oehmke, Catherine Rush, Carlos Roa, at the 2017 panel talk on art criticism, held in conjunction with the Art Writing contest.

Did I mention we love to talk?  The video shows Artblog writers talking.  Picture above is Artblog writers talking. Come talk with us! Join Imani Roach tomorrow for the Artblog Facebook Live!  Ask your questions about the art writing contest and get some answers.  Some questions we’ve heard … how do I apply?  what can I write about? I’ve never written about art, am I eligible?  Is the Oct. 31 deadline for real?   I don’t live in Philly, can I apply?  All of your questions will be answered!  Come talk with us.  We love to talk with you! Invite all your friends. See you tomorrow!  (Hope you enjoy the short video – we love video and have made over 100 since we began! See our channel here.)

Artblog’s Facebook Live Q+A

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018


Philly Artblog Facebook page
