
All of the pageantry and none of the athleticism, Jerry Kaba talks AWFUL wrestling

Matt Kalasky speaks with artist Jerry Kaba about his Arts Wrestling Federation Urban League (AWFUL Wrestling). What started as a joke between friends has become a genuine cultural phenomenon, taking Philadelphia’s DIY arts scene by nostalgic storm.

Artist and AWFUL Wrestling founder Jerry Kaba
Artist and AWFUL Wrestling founder Jerry Kaba
Photo of the performance, AWFUL Wrestling
Photo of the performance, AWFUL Wrestling

The Arts Wrestling Federation Urban League is a bunch of adults jumping around in outlandish costumes reliving the glory days of late 80’s/early 90’s pro-wrestling. Part political satire, part absurdist improvisation, it also sounds like a lot of fun. Here AWFUL Wrestling founder, Jerry Kaba speaks with Artblog’s Matt Kalasky about why his faux wrestling movement has caught on so thoroughly with local artists and how he is taking steps to make it as inclusive as possible. Can a pool noodle subvert toxic masculinity? Listen to find out. This conversation was recorded on October 30, 2018 at Moore College of Art and Design’s TGMR radio station. The podcast is 21 minutes long.

“The Party Priest” wants YOU to check out his next AWFUL Wrestling Match, Fall Night, Friday November 10 at PhilaMOCA.

Follow AWFUL Wrestling on Facebook on on instagram (@awfulwrestling) for info on upcoming events.

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast available, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore TGMR radio project.
