
OPEN CALL for Virtual Exhibition ‘Artists in the Time of Coronavirus’

ARTBLOG IS CALLING ALL ARTISTS, yes ALL makers and creators with a connection to Philadelphia OR A CONNECTION TO ARTBLOG! If you read Artblog and/or have been covered by Artblog over the 16 years we have been publishing, we would LOVE YOU TO participate in our online community project: "Artists in the Time of Coronavirus." This project is inclusive. If you serve the arts -- you're a gallery or a community art center or museum or school or teacher -- and have a connection to this Artblog community, help us keep the community alive. Share your story. We all need community during these hard and isolating times. We hope you will join us. Thank you and love from your friends at Artblog

Artblog Artists in the time of corona virus FB WHITE

We launch this open call exhibition project in response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus epidemic, knowing how isolating the current conditions are and how much we all are deeply missing our friends and colleagues and the social interactions at gallery openings, lectures, performances, critique groups and studio visits. Our goal is to provide a platform to share your art and/or thoughts, and to connect you with other artists and art lovers everywhere who might want to see your work (or even purchase it!) This is not a juried or curated online exhibition. It is free for you to participate in and free for the community to see and read. It’s a community coming together virtually. — Artblog


1. TWO PHOTOS – Send a photo or two to of your newly finished and/or in-progress works, or send an older work you’re proud of. This project is inclusionary, not exclusionary.  Maybe you want to send a picture of your current studio, or a selfie instead. It’s all fine. We are asking for two photos. You decide. Make sure you tell us what is pictured in the images you send and if there’s a photographer to credit, we need that photo credit.

2. SHORT STATEMENT – In the same email, send a short statement (up to 250 words)  You can describe how your usual routine has shifted, or taken a lull, during this time. We’re pretty open to your words. Write a poem, a letter. You be the curator of what you want to say — and show. Want people to get in contact with you? Send us your social media or a link to your website. In need of funds, supplies, human conversation (e.g. video chat or phone call?) Don’t be shy. Let people know how they can help you out. If you would like to remain anonymous, we will respect that.


As we receive your photos and information, we will be publishing them on a first-come, first served basis, in a series of posts on Artblog. The posts will be a colorful stream of Philadelphia art, a snapshot of this turgid time. It will also be an archive for the record.  We hope you will share the project with your friends, family and other artists, too.


Artblog is a 16-year archive whose mission is to document and provide commentary about contemporary Philadelphia art. We are a mission-driven non-profit that is passionate about contemporary art and artists and the art lovers who are hungry about art and want to know more. Together, we will move onward and upward. Stay safe and stay positive.

Studio (near entrance), Wharton Esherick Museum. Photo courtesy of the Wharton Esherick Museum.
Wharton Esherick’s home studio, Wharton Esherick Museum. Photo courtesy of the Wharton Esherick Museum.