
Vote for the Arts today, your vote counts

Get out and vote today, if you haven't already done so via mail ballot. Your vote will let our leaders see that the arts community is watching. We care, and we are waiting for enlightened leadership to finally see artists and the arts as valued contributors to the City's health and well being. Let your vote for the Arts be counted today!

A poster shows the seal of the city of Philadelphia with words “Philadelphia Artists for Democracy” encircling the interior image and on the right in large letters, the words “Artists Vote”

Just a reminder today, artists and arts lovers. This election is important! Your voice counts.

People might say that the arts don’t matter while the City of Philadelphia staggers under the weight of intractable poverty, failing schools, the scourge of drugs, and gun violence that kills its citizens indiscriminately. But we say, the arts can be a tool to help fight the ills that plague the city. Artists are doers and makers and problem solvers and civic-minded and community-minded. Artists live in all the zip codes of the city; artists are generally under-employed and under-valued instead of embraced as a workforce with the will to help. Enlightened and visionary leaders in other cities realize the potential of artists to make their cities better and put the arts to work. There are successful templates for this. Call it a Philadelphia Art Corps. Philadelphia leaders have long disregarded the artistic treasure that is the Philadelphia arts community. It’s long overdue that our leaders wake up and take charge and provide leadership for All sectors of the economy — including and especially the arts sector. To spin a proverb coined in the 1970s, The Arts are a terrible thing to waste.

Polling places are open 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Voters in line at 8:00 PM will be able to vote. Information on polling places and other useful things here.
