
Nosebleed Season 2 Chapter 3

Nosebleed Season 2 Chapter 3

43 panel comic entitled “Nosebleed” by Derick Jones. Letters by Kyle Arrends, Edited by NM.Scuri. —

Panel 1: Flashback of Tilda killing two in a grocery store. NOSEBLEED is tagged on grocery items in the grocery store. Tilda is explaining to Reggie, “I got two of ’em. Kyra on accident and Sara def on purpose. She was with Brett’s crew that night.” Panel 2: In Reggie’s bedroom he says, “Jeeze, wait. When we got Brett, we both had to be there. How’d you do it?” Panel 3: Tilda answers, “I took a pill and just snapped.” Panel 4: Reggie responds, “I had to take one, too.” Tilda, “Really?” Panel 5: Reggie explains what happened to him. “Chris and Johnny ran me off the road into the woods,” he says. “I panicked.” Tilda in a sub-panel says, “Those fuckers.” Panel 6: We see Esper and Reggie continues, “I ran into this weirdo. I think he’s one of us.” Tilda in a sub-panel, “oh?” Panel 7: Reggie continues, “He knew about the pill. Told me to hand it over.” Tilda off panel adds, “Shit.” Panel 8: We see a cyclone and Reggie continues his story, “Yeah, Johhny and Chris were closing in. I ate it and blasted off.” Tilda off panel asks, “How?” Panel 9: Back in Reggie’s room he continues, “Dunno but I ended up on top of Bok. Zapped around ’til I got home.” Panel 10: We see Tilda considering this news, “So you can teleport and I can crack heads. Great.” Panel 11: Focus on Reggie, “Great?” Panel 12: Tilda now focused, “Yeah! We can zap Johnny and Chris somewhere and kill ’em both.” Panel 13: Now focused on Reggie, Tilda off-panel continues, “It’ll throw the cops off us.” A startled Reggie says, “Cops? What cops?” Panel 14: Tilda explains, “They grabbed me after the bodega but they don’t got shit. So anyway we… Panel 15: Tight view on Reggie and Tilda and Reggie says, “The cops are after us? Look we need to pump the brakes.” Off-panel is Reggie’s mom, “Reggie! Dinner!” Panel 16: We see Tilda and Reggie getting heated, Tilda angrily, “Not before we finish this!” Reggie retaliates, “Nah, we done.” Panel 17: Tilda turning their back on Reggie says, “Fine, I’ll do it myself. Some fucking friend you are. Pussy.” Reggie slaps them for it. Panel 18: Reggie engages his powers, “Tilda, go home.” Panel 19: Tilda arrives in front of their house, while speaking, “Oh I’m way ahead of — huh?” Panel 21: Exterior view of Broad Street Diner. Panel 22: The agents that were chasing Reggie are sitting in a booth. The long-haired agent says, “This’ll be a clean extraction alirght. We wait till everyone is asleep, slip in, grab ’em and get.” Esper interjects, “It’s 5:30.” Panel 23: Over the shoulder view of Esper the agent continues, “These old West Philly houses are easy to get into with all those goddamn windows.” Esper repeats, “Hey, it’s 5:30.” Panel 24: We have Esper’s view of the agents, the bald agent says, “Oh hey, it’s time for his–.” The long-haired agent interrupts, “I know what time the dog needs to be fed.” Panel 25: The long-haired agent continues, “And he knows I like him to beg for it. Beg for your dose lil’ doggy.” Panel 26: Esper is sweating and not looking good says, “Gi..give. Me. My. Dose.” Panel 27: Long-haired agent, “Oh c’monnn. I could barely hear ya. His partner, “Man, just give him his shit.” Panel 28: Close up of the injection gun. The long-haired agent continues, “Fido here’s supposed to be the superior man. If he’s so superior, then why’s he need a boost of cheat juice everyday?” Panel 29: Esper now covering his face, the agent continues, “Best drug in the world wasted on these freaks.” His partner is looking around, “Where’s that damn waitress.” Panel 30: And he notices, “Hey!” Panel 31: Esper choking and vomitting. Panel 32: Esper goes limp and slams his face on the table. The agent chides him, “Drama king. Ok here’s your does.” Panel 33: The bald agent grabs the long-haired agent, “Look!”, and the other agent responds, “What!” Panel 34: Closeup on bald agent, “Look behind you.” Panel 35: We see the entire diner is being attacked by the powers we’ve seen in the past. Panel 36-39: We see different people being killed by the powers embued by the pills. Panel 40: We see two people sitting at a bench. One frightening character uses the powers to kill everyone. Panel 41: We get a close-up of this terrifying character. Panel 42: We see a close up of the second new character with closed eyes and ear plugs with marks that look like he was hung at one point. Panel 43: The long-haired agent is seen screaming, “What the hell!?”.

End NOSEBLEED Season 2 Chapter 3

Season 2 – Chapter 12

Season 1 – Chapter, 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11

