
New maps & listings up! New permanent url.

The October maps & listings are up! Yippee. Here’s some of what we’re doing differently and better!

  1. Bookmark our new, permanent maps & listings address,
  2. Visibility–see the big link to maps & listings on artblog’s front page soon. Yippee.
  3. First map you see–The landing page is now the city-wide map, with all the listings, even those beyond the edges of the map, on the right.
  4. events category–We have a separate events category. (We hope more of you make use of this feature. We know there are lots more talks out there).
  5. New navigation features–These features, at the top right of the page, will help you tailor your search for what you want to see and where you want to go:
    • three tabs–gallery maps!!!! our picks (shows we can’t wait to visit)!!!! events!!!!
    • drop down menus–helps you search by neighborhood
    • check-off choices–helps you view First Friday or Second Thursday events
  6. Advertisers get a double bonus–We are giving shout-outs to our advertisers on the maps & listings–both in the pop up boxes and on the right-column listings

Once again, if you missed the deadline for consideration in our picks, you can still enter your info on the forms on the maps & listings page and we’ll post your shows and events as soon as we get a chance.

And most important to all, kudos to the amazing powers behind the Artblog maps & listings throne–the labsters in the white coats who make everything work. OMG they are super amazing!!!
