Matthew spent time recently talking with an artist friend about the pros and cons of artists talking about their art. Based on the conversation, Matthew researched the 21st century’s go-to place to hear artists talk — podcasts! He uncovers some great places (ahem, including Artblog) to listen to the artists.
Read MoreMatthew writes about the wonderful “art show” you see in the underground walkways and along the platforms of the Paris Metro, with large scale posters from Paris’s 130 museums plastered throughout and making the experience a kind of art history lesson on the move.
Read MoreThis summer Matthew Rose while visiting friends in Brooklyn came upon the artist Susan Gardner who was walking around the front of her 1860 townhouse. Seeing the façade curiously encrusted with a jewel-like mosaic made of bits crockery, jewelry, toys and other materials, Matthew struck up a conversation with the artist about her “Mosaic House, a work of art now more than 15 years in the making.
Read MoreArtblog’s Matthew Rose features the artist Louise Millmann whose work is akin to that of Cindy Sherman and Dorothea Lange. Millmann discuses her fluid process of selecting costumes, and staging her photoshoots, which are “often based on a guest’s visit, an odd acquisition, or a fortuitous happenstance ” she says.
Read MoreIn this edition of Postcard from Paris, Matthew takes us to one of his recent travel destinations in Pilsen, Chicago. He met with print-partners Liz and Gabe to discuss the ins and outs of the printshop they opened in 2012 to edition print-based work with emphasis on the collaborations between artists and professional printmakers.
Read MoreOur Paris correspondent, Matthew Rose, continues his stateside journey through the West Coast, reporting on the Seattle Art Fair and the Western ambiance he found in some of the art in that Pacific coast city.
Read MoreThis week Matthew Rose takes us to a contemporary arts district in Vancouver called The Flats, and reviews the vibrant work of Fred Herzog and Karin Bubas. He tells us about the wonders of the Vancouver art community as he details the current exhibitions at Equinox Gallery and Monte Clark Gallery. Along the way he expounds on the current threat of condos and new construction to their neighborhood, a perilous trend that we also find here in Philadelphia.
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