“Plume of Desire,” a series of black and white lithographs drawn in Los Angeles and Paris but printed at ITEM in Paris, is something of a children’s book for very, very bad children. More than 30 pieces, each 60 x 60 cm, filled the ITEM’s gallery in Paris. These prints are dark, beautiful, and hilarious and typical of the creator of Eraserhead and Lost Highway.
Read MoreBut when an art piece grabs your attention it’s hard to ignore because it disrupts the languid comfortable homogeneity of my world and shows me something that doesn’t fit in; more specifically it actively refuses to fit in my world. That is how you know other worlds exist. This is how you get to those worlds. That is art at work.
Read MoreNick Kripal was a generous, kind soul and an artist whose spirituality mixed with his medium, clay, in remarkable ways. A friend to many and inspirational mentor to his students, Nick will be missed by all of us.
Read MoreArt criticism should feel free to miss the point completely and wander off somewhere it doesn’t belong and sleep there on the couch for a couple of days promising it’s leaving this weekend but then why did it leave its toothbrush and bag here? How else is the conversation expanded?
Read MoreI asked my partner, Olivia, what I should read about during New York Fashion Week. She pointed out this evolving story of Alicia Keys and quitting makeup.
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