Naveena Vijayan interviews Sarah Khan about her exhibition, Undisciplined Pleasures: Vigilant Defiance at Twelve Gates Arts, which is now online due to COVID-19.
Artblog guest writer Martin Rosenberg pays tribute to the late Judy Gelles, accomplished and beloved Philadelphia photographer and creator of “The Fourth Grade Project.”
Blaise Tobia and Virginia Maksymowicz co-author an essay about the aftermath of the Covid-19 closures on the arts community, and speculate on possible alternative models.
Wit interviews curator and philanthropist Lenise Logan about the work she does globally in the arts. Read further to learn more about Lenise’s global practice and how being laid off was the catalyst she needed to begin her international career.
Natalie Sandstrom shares her thoughts on the current state of being an arts administrator as institutions shutter their brick-and-mortar locations due to COVID-19.