Susan Isaacs calls the exhibit ‘Thread Lines’ inspirational and an exhibit elegantly installed and well worth your visit. The group show at Goya Contemporary in Baltimore has works by many well known fiber artists including Joyce J. Scott and Sonya Clark, who use their art for personal as well as social commentary.
Read MoreJanyce Denise Glasper sees the debut film of artist Titus Kaphar and says it deserves “endless praise.”
Read MoreLogan Cryer reviews Anne Minich’s exhibition, ‘Tender’ at Commonweal Gallery, calling the show “a transcendental glimpse” into her world.
Read MoreKatie Dillon Low sees a two-person exhibit at the new Boxspring Gallery at Crane Arts, in which Marguerita Hagan and Gregory Brellochs’s works pay homage to nature’s awesomeness delivered in perfect or near-perfect circles, in microscopic and macroscopic wonders.
Read MoreRuth Wolf sees the exhibition ‘Japandi Revisited’ at Wayne Art Center and talks about the works, which convey quietude and invite contemplation at a time when we all need some of that.
Read MoreRoberta and Ryan see Scott Kip’s piece, “Perpetual Inventory” at Arcadia University. They looked, and talked and marveled, then spoke with the Curator, Richard Torchia (former Gallery Director at Spruance Gallery), and Matt Borgen, current Gallery Director. Afterwards, they spoke with the artist as well.
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