The centerpiece of the show is Goodman’s “Untitled,” reproduced here. This to me is Goodman at his finest: the brilliant contrast of light, color, and darkness, the ambiguity of direction, the mysterious, luminescent, transformative power of the cylindrical object that dominates the canvas.
Read MoreCongratulations to Jesse Krimes, whose solitary confinement piece at the one-day Amnesty International program created some good discussion about the important prison issue. Krimes has a solo show opening at Drexel’s Leonard Pearlstein Gallery opening January 12.
Read MoreLooking at the titles, the show is undeniably an homage to love and how it reveals itself to people. Yet the show also is a metaphor for the artist’s love of interacting with paint.
Read MoreThank you to our outstanding Board Members, our terrific Advisory Committee, our Generous Supporters and You, Our Readers, who inspire us to keep producing our online art publication and off-line programs. Special thank you to the hard-working, intelligent and insightful Artblog team and a special shout out to our tech guru, who wrought magic with our website in 2015! As 2015 slinks off, Artblog wishes you peace, love and happiness, and lots of art in the new year.
Read More2015 was an especially eventful year for the artist, who shows her work at Bridgette Mayer Gallery. Rutstein, whose work is inspired by science and the natural world, spent 6 weeks last summer as an Artist at Sea, painting and working with scientists mapping the ocean floor on Robert Ballard’s ship, The Nautilus. This year, she also completed her first public art piece, “Sky Terrain,” at 11th and Montgomery on the Temple University Campus.
Read MoreWe got a note from Craig Scheihing of Big Mama’s Cinematheque introducing us to the “artist-run film lab, a venue for contemporary avant-garde filmmakers to share their work, and a classroom / workshop space for individuals interested in working with 16mm film.” Wonderful! I’m delighted to know there is a hotbed of alternative or experimental filmmakers here!
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