Housed at the Tyler School of Art, reForm tells the story of Fairhill Elementary’s untimely closure and of the students evicted. Fairhill was but one of two dozen schools shut down by the city of Philadelphia due to budgetary concerns in 2013. The school remains closed to this day. Osorio collaborated with teachers, students, parents, and neighbors to retrieve abandoned items from the school and create a work of installation art that would decry the injustice Osorio saw in the closing of Fairhill.
Read MoreAnd perhaps this last is one of the most significant points the exhibition makes: despite an international interest in the commercial vernacular and the visual impact of the media, the works in the exhibition can only be truly understood within the cultures that produced them. This leaves serious viewers with the realization that the information in many of the introductory labels is insufficient background for a real understanding of the art and how it functioned in its native territory.
Read MoreFriend of Artblog Bruce Hoffman, who is director of Gravers Lane Gallery, wrote to say the gallery was organizing a special program and poetry event, Saturday, May 7, 1PM-5PM, honoring slain aspiring poet, Tyrone Alexander Tillman. Tillman was a high school student and active in the Philadelphia Youth Poetry movement. Gallery artist, Rachel Bliss, has a connection with the youth and facilitated the event in conjunction with her exhibit at the gallery in May.
Read MoreWhat are you doing Saturday, May 7, from 2PM-4PM? If you’re not shopping for Mothers Day presents, then join us on the next Art Safari to the alternative galleries! Get in on some lively conversations about art, see the exhibits and talk with the artists!
Read MoreThe film has been widely described as a Nigerien remake of Prince’s iconic 1984 film, “Purple Rain,” shot in Tuareg and French with English subtitles. The music is intoxicatingly groovy. The visuals are dreamy and striking. And my feelings after seeing the film are absolutely electric–like the guitars.
Read MoreBetween and among the bodies, repeated patterns emerge and tensions twist. Each human interaction—which depends on the particular people attending—can be analyzed in terms of the submission and dominance of the players.
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