Lane Speidel sees new work by Todd Stong, in the artist’s first solo exhibit in Philadelphia, at Peep Projects, and follows up with the artist to find out more. In his essay, Speidel mentions Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment,” an imagined hellish or heavenly nonexistent space with many bodies in ascent or descent.
Read MoreLauren Whearty interviews artist Libby Rosa, who moved to Philadelphia in 2019, opened Peep Projects in 2020 and moved Peep to Crane Arts recently. Lauren finds out more about the gallery’s whimsical name and about the artist, who has a solo exhibition of her works at Bertrand Productions as part of the (re)FOCUS festival.
Read MoreLauren Whearty interviews members of the artist run space, Fjord, now celebrating their 10th year in operation. Members have changed through the years and so have their rented gallery space — in separate locations in the Kensington/Frenkford area.
Read MoreHi, this week we start with sad news as we learn of the death of artist H.D. Ivey leaving behind a vast collection of surrealistic sculptures, drawings, and paintings relating the fears of the nuclear age. A friend of the Artblog Betty Leacraft joins Akilah t’Zuberi and Asake Denise Jones in Joyful New Beginnings at Ultra Silk Gallery. Voice your opinions on the design of Harriet Tubman’s statue for City Hall June 22nd and join the 17th Annual Juneteenth Parade in Germantown. Lots to do this week and next, we hope you’ll get out and engage with some of the exciting things happening around.
Read MoreWe are very excited for two rare opportunities: First, the chance to see Dona Nelson’s paintings in person in Philadelphia (doesn’t happen very often!). Second, a chance to hear four Black Guggenheim photography fellows — Donald E. Camp, Ron Tarver, Wendel White and William Earle Williams — speak about their work in a virtual/in person event is likewise a rare opportunity. Meanwhile, things are opening this Spring, and the Second Thursday openings on the American Street corridor are expanding. We bring you a video that includes Roberta and Morgan (among others) speaking virtually about how to approach the media with your need for coverage. Rounding out the News, there are a couple great opportunities for you, artists.
Read MoreNew Artblog contributor L Autumn Gnadinger interviews Zoe McCarthy, who works in ‘”new media, 3D animation, and mixed reality.’ You can see Zoe’s work in ‘New Now IV,’ a group show of new InLiquid members, through June 19, 2021 at the InLiquid Gallery.
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