In this second installment of correspondent Leah Gallant’s Wing Bowl 2018 narrative, she takes on the main event — the eating contest itself. Read on for conspicuous consumption and a glimpse of what it takes to succeed at a sport which strains the capacity of the human vessel.
Read MoreMichael visits “How Wide is the Gulf?”, a timely group exhibition now at Gravy Studio + Gallery. Presenting a thematically-tight cluster of three artists who address North America’s migratory past and present, curator Rebekah Flake highlights the power differentials that exists between nations and the (brown) bodies that navigate them. Not to be missed, “How Wide is the Gulf?” is on view through March 13th.
Read MoreEagles mania is still in full swing here in the city of Brotherly Love. Luckily, Leah Gallant is back with a two-part feature chronicling her experience as a spectator at the 2018 Wing Bowl. There’s poetry and madness to spare at this annual eating contest held the Friday before Super Bowl Sunday — but is it Art? Read below and keep an eye out for exciting conclusion coming soon.
Read MoreContributor Ron Kanter talks with Painted Bride supporters, staff and board and finds he still has questions about the community center’s putting its building on the market in an attempt to continue — building free — as a nomadic programmer in pop-up locations. A timely look at an organization that’s lifting anchor and sailing out on an adventure that has some supporters worried.
Read MoreIn his essay, Dave Kyu looks at various placements for the contentious Frank Rizzo statue, which the city promised to relocate after angry public outcry. Dave ponders three new locations for the monumental sculpture to the racially-divisive former Mayor and Police Commissioner and one new placement at its current location. The relocation of the Rizzo statue is an important civic conversation that continues to need public input. What do you think is the best possible placement for the controversial statue?
Read MoreAs a Chinese-born artist making a life for herself in Philadelphia, Yixuan Pan thinks a lot about translation and the limitations of language. In fact, since earning her MFA from the glass department at Tyler School of Art last year, she has built a rich and varied practice around the insights gained from living with confusion. Here she speaks with Matt Kalasky, ahead of her February 28th collaborative performance at Vox Populi Gallery, about starting with wonder and chasing art across media. Can a conversation where no questions are allowed qualify as studio time? Listen to find out. Matt interviewed Pan at Moore College of Art and Design’s TGMR radio station on February 13th, 2018; the podcast is 21 minutes long.
Read MoreIn this sponsored post, Esther Klein Gallery tells us about their upcoming exhibit, “[RE]Imagining Science” showcasing researchers’ work in the fields of visual and sound arts, design, sciences and social sciences. The show opens on February 8, 2018 and runs through March 24, 2018. An opening reception will be held on Thursday, February 8th from 5:00 to 7:30 at the gallery, 3601 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Read MoreArtblog had a little soiree with our family of contributors. We love to talk and had so many great conversations! This video by our contributor, Carly Bellini, captures the spirit of the night in a nice compact 55 seconds. Thank you, family friends, for donating good food and beverages, and thanks, all who came out, for making the night sparkle. See you next time!
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